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Image by Scott Graham

Our Mission

MyDreamFinance helps small and medium-sized businesses achieve financial efficiency and sustainable growth by conquering capital and management challenges.

Services We Provided

Business Meeting

Customized Financing Programs

1. Government Grants and Loans 

2. Revolvers and Term Loans 

3. Asset-based Financing (AR, Inventory)

4. Invoice Factoring and PO Financing

5. Equipment Financing 

6. Speciality Loans (SR&ED financing) 

Finance Operations
Consulting Services

1. Industry & Market Entrance Analysis

2. Business Strategic Planning

3. Capital Structure Financial Modeling

4. Duty Tariff Market Research

5. ERP System Implementation

6. Buy-side and Sell-side Leads Sourcing

Accounting & Financial Planning Advisory

  1. Working Capital Management 

  2. Foreign Exchange Hedging

  3. Budgeting and Cashflow Planning

  4. Accounting Policy Design

  5. Accounting SOP Implementation 

  6. Accounting Consulting

Our Process

We will help you to make it happen!

Client 2

The 1st Step

We start with a free consultation to understand your company and to see where we can offer help. We will also collect some basic information and provide you with free funding advice based on your company information and any customized requirements

Client 3

The 2nd Step

We present a proposal about how we can build your customized financing programs and what could be some of the requirements. If you are happy with our proposal, then we present an agency agreement, a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), and a quote for our service

Client 5

The Last Step

We will guide you through the entire process up to the stage where you will get funded
This can include helping you with business and industry research; building a business case; constructing financial models; building marketing materials; reaching out to our lenders and investors; negotiating offers and term sheets on your behalf, and helping you with audits etc.,

Let's Talk More

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